What Causes Watery Eyes in the Elderly?
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What Causes Watery Eyes in the Elderly?

As we age, we undergo a multitude of changes - both physical and emotional. One such change that may occur is the onset of watery eyes. Sadly, and despite having a profound impact on the daily lives of some elderly individuals by affecting everything from their vision to their overall quality of life, this condition is often overlooked. We aim to change that.

In this blog, we’ll take a look at the causes of watery eyes in the elderly, and offer some insights that we hope will empower both elderly individuals and caregivers. We’ll look at some of the treatments available, and what can be done to ease the associated discomfort of watery eyes. Lastly, we’ll introduce the YourStride Alarm Watch, the UK’s highest rated personal alarm for the elderly, designed to provide 24/7 emergency help for the elderly at the press of a button.

Common Causes of Watery Eyes in the Elderly

Watery eyes in the elderly can be more than a mere inconvenience; they often signal underlying issues. In this section, we'll look at the most common causes - ranging from dry eye syndrome to conjunctivitis - and highlight potential solutions as well as opportunities for improved eye care.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Changes in tear production and moisture retention may lead to dry eye syndrome in the elderly. This condition is heavily influenced by hormonal fluctuations, environmental elements, and medications.

Indeed, among the demographic most affected, postmenopausal women typically encounter disruptions in tear production due to hormonal shifts. Environmental elements, such as exposure to central heating or air conditioning, may further exacerbate the discomfort associated with dry eyes. Finally, the influence of medications commonly prescribed for the elderly, such as antihistamines and antidepressants, may further contribute to the manifestation of dry eye symptoms.

Given all of the contributing factors, addressing dry eye syndrome requires a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach. Lifestyle adjustments form a crucial aspect of management, requiring individuals to adapt daily routines to mitigate exacerbating factors. Simple yet impactful measures, such as staying well-hydrated by increasing water intake and incorporating omega-3-rich foods into the diet, contribute significantly to maintaining the delicate balance of tear production. Additionally, environmental modifications, such as using humidifiers to counteract the drying effects of indoor heating or air conditioning, prove instrumental in preserving ocular moisture.

Beyond lifestyle modifications, the strategic use of artificial tears becomes integral in providing relief. Artificial tears act as a supplementary source of lubrication, aiding in the alleviation of discomfort and helping to restore the delicate balance of the tear film. By mimicking the natural composition of tears, these eye drops provide essential moisture, reducing dryness, irritation, and the sensation of grittiness that often accompanies dry eye syndrome.

In certain cases, prescription medications may be prescribed to manage underlying causes or severe symptoms effectively. These medications may include anti-inflammatory eye drops or medications that stimulate tear production. Tailored to the individual's unique needs and circumstances, these prescriptions aim to address the root causes of the condition, offering a more targeted and effective approach to managing the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.


The UK’s diverse environment exposes the elderly to various allergens, potentially triggering watery eyes. Pollen, dust, and pet dander can initiate immune responses, leading to itching, redness, and excessive tearing. This condition, commonly known as allergic conjunctivitis, may severely impact the life quality of an elderly individual.

When it comes to managing this condition, a nuanced approach is required. Indeed, whilst reducing contact with triggers remains a crucial aspect of management, it is equally vital to explore and implement solutions that offer relief from allergic reactions.

A nuanced strategy may involve the use of antihistamine eye drops or oral antihistamines to alleviate symptoms and modulate the immune response. Moreover, fostering an allergen-conscious living environment, such as using air purifiers or maintaining a pet-free zone, contributes to creating a protective space for the elderly.

By acknowledging the intricate relationship between an elderly individual, their environment, and the nature of individual allergic responses, we can pave the way for a nuanced strategy that not only alleviates symptoms but enhances the overall quality of life for those grappling with watery eyes due to allergic triggers.

Blocked Tear Ducts

Blocked tear ducts are a common issue among the elderly and a leading contributor of watery eyes. Age-related changes, infections, or structural abnormalities can obstruct the natural drainage of tears, causing an overflow onto the face. Addressing this condition usually requires medical intervention.

Diagnostic tools, such as Imaging studies, are typically employed to identify the precise location and nature of the blockage, aiding healthcare professionals in tailoring treatment. Non-surgical interventions may be explored initially, including the application of warm compresses to the affected area, massage techniques to help open the ducts, and antibiotic treatments for associated infections. These measures aim to alleviate symptoms and promote the natural clearance of the blockage.

In cases where non-surgical approaches prove insufficient, or when structural abnormalities persist, surgical interventions become a consideration. Common procedures include dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), which involves creating a new drainage pathway for tears, or stent placement to keep the duct open. These surgical interventions aim to address the underlying causes of the blockage and restore the normal drainage function of the tear ducts.


Conjunctivitis, colloquially known as pink eye, is an inflammation often caused by viral or bacterial infections, leading to redness, itching, and watery eyes. As the immune system weakens with age, the elderly become more susceptible to infections, making conjunctivitis a more prevalent concern.

Effectively managing conjunctivitis in the elderly involves tailored solutions due to the dual challenges of inflammatory responses and compromised immunity. Antiviral medications are typically employed for viral conjunctivitis, while bacterial conjunctivitis is addressed with antibiotics. These treatments aim not only to alleviate symptoms but also to curb the underlying cause of the infection, leading to a quicker recovery.

Beyond pharmacological interventions, supportive measures may be used in alleviating discomfort for the elderly dealing with conjunctivitis. Warm compresses are often recommended to ease irritation and reduce inflammation and lubricating eye drops may be prescribed to soothe dryness and promote comfort.

Furthermore, educating healthcare providers and elderly individuals about preventive strategies is crucial. Encouraging good eye hygiene, such as frequent handwashing and avoiding touching the eyes with unwashed hands, can help in minimising the risk of conjunctivitis going forward.

Eyelid Problems

Watery eyes in the elderly often stem from malfunctioning eyelids, a condition that disrupts the normal distribution of the tear film. Conditions such as ectropion and entropion, where the eyelids turn outward or inward, respectively, contribute significantly to this disruptive process.

In the case of ectropion, the outward turning of the eyelid margin causes a separation between the eyelid and the eye's surface, leading to poor tear drainage. Conversely, entropion, characterised by the inward turning of the eyelid, results in the eyelashes rubbing against the cornea, irritating the eye and triggering excessive tearing.

Correcting these issues typically involves surgical interventions aimed at correcting the anatomical abnormalities. Surgical procedures, such as ectropion repair or entropion repair, attempt to restore the normal position and function of the eyelids. These interventions aim to create a stable eyelid position, ensuring proper alignment for effective tear drainage and distribution.

Comprehensive post-surgical care is vital in ensuring the success of these interventions and facilitating a smooth recovery for the elderly individuals undergoing eyelid correction. This care often involves diligent monitoring of the surgical site for any signs of infection or complications. Additionally, the use of prescribed eye drops or ointments may be recommended to promote healing and prevent dryness.

Introducing the YourStride Alarm Watch

YourStride alarm watch

The YourStride Alarm Watch is the UK’s top rated personal alarm for the elderly. YourStride offers true security and peace of mind with 24/7 emergency help as well as automatic fall detection. Best of all, it works anywhere in the UK so you can use it at home, in the garden or even climbing a mountain! Keep on reading for a quick look at some of the features that are making a significant difference in the lives of the elderly across the UK.

  • SOS Button for Immediate Assistance: In any emergency situation, the elderly can simply press the SOS button on the YourStride watch to request immediate help. The personal alarm connects them directly to a dedicated 24/7 monitoring team, ensuring swift and efficient assistance.
  • Fall Detection and GPS: YourStride includes fall detection technology, automatically triggering assistance in case of a fall. Paired with GPS functionality, emergency responders can pinpoint the user's location, providing crucial information during outdoor activities or emergencies.
  • Two-Way Communication: Communication is key during emergencies. The YourStride watch allows the elderly to speak directly with the monitoring team through the watch, providing valuable information about their condition and needs. This two-way communication ensures that the right help is sent promptly.
  • Sleek and discrete design: The watch's modern and sleek design seamlessly blends style with utility. Its aesthetic appeal allows for a discreet emergency device that doesn’t draw attention (unlike the large pendant alarms of yesteryear!), making it an integral part of daily wear.
  • More than a Personal Alarm: The YourStride Alarm Watch integrates essential health monitoring features seamlessly into its design. With a built-in Blood Pressure Monitor, Step Counter, and Heart Rate Monitor, this watch becomes a holistic health companion. Users can effortlessly track their daily physical activity, and gain valuable insights into their cardiovascular health, fostering a proactive approach to overall well-being.

Click here to order the YourStride alarm watch today.

If you're looking for more information on the YourStride alarm, you'll find all the information you need on our personal alarm and fall alarm pages.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
